Dress Me Jackets®

Jacket And Toy In One

Main Profile

Dress Me Jackets®
- Out Of Business -

The Dress Me Jackets clothing line is all about creating childrens clothing that incorporates fashion and fun.

As mothers and creative individuals, we are always coming up with new ideas. Now, we finally found one idea that we truly feel passionate about. Our little girls like anything girly, especially dolls. We had a craving to create a clothing item for them that would incorporate fashion and fun. It was then that we took old denim jackets and made princesses on the back out of fabrics and yarn. Over time, people would stop us and comment on how cute they were.

So we played with the idea about starting our own business, and together we collaborated on creating the Dress Me Jacket clothing line.

Rachel Sicherman and Lindsay Markell have 5 children between them, and they both live and breath for their families.

“This is a very exciting and fun business that could not have materialized without each other. Both of us know how useful this product this will be for travel, restaurants, waiting rooms and just plain creative fun.” - Lindsay Markell

“Our little girls love it, we love it, and we hope you will love it too.” - Rachel Sicherman

Two moms with a passion creating for kids.

Yours Truly,
Lindsay Markell, and Rachel Sicherman

13850 Oneida Dr. • A2 • Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Contact: Rachel Sicherman
Phone: (561) 445-4873
Fax: (561) 819-9810


