The Little3 Toy Company

…little toys for little people

Main Profile

The Little3 Toy Company

Welcome to the Little Little Little Toy Company. Yes, it’s a mouthful. But it really represents who we are:

a little toy company for little retailers who sell to little people.

We offer a wide range of unique toys that support a philosophy of:

  • toys as tools, not possessions
  • toys as investments, not consumables and
  • toys that promote creativity & uniqueness, not imitation & conformity.

Above all else, babies and toddlers are “scientists”, exploring the laws of the universe through their senses, experimenting to discover the impact of their actions on all that surrounds them. Toys that present opportunities for repetitive action will be well loved and will foster growth through all the fun and all the discovery!

Preschool and school age children, now more than ever, need a variety of play experiences that empower and provide opportunities for trial and error, adventure and cooperation. Children are wired for discovery! They need unstructured playtime with a few good, open ended “props” to promote their sense of wonder and honor their urge to explore. Moms and Dads need the reassurance that their little ones are on a safe and exciting path, with parents as companions for this joyful journey.

N110 W13125 Washington Drive • Germantown, Wisconsin 53022
Phone: (866) 730-0899
Local: (262) 512-0899
Fax: (262) 512-2944

