Items tagged “Toys & Recreation”

Parents of toddlers know this generation is more tech-savvy than any other. Most kids can work a flat screen and program an iPod before they learn to tie their shoes. For these techie tots, Beary Happi is the perfect hybrid of toy and smartphone app. A lovable teddy bear friend that plays on little one’s fascination with touch screens and the cuddliness of plush, Beary Happi is the perfect interactive companion. All parents have to do is put their iPhone or iPod touch inside a HappiTaps cover, download the free app, and voilà: the 21st century Teddy. Hopefully it also offers a few minutes of peace and quiet.

Welcome the Class of Fall 2012!

Spring is in the air… but autumn is on the minds of children’s retailers as they review and study the brands that will make the grade and be at the top of their lists of final buys for the back-to-school season.

In this Disposable Age of plastics and trends, Morgan Cycle brings to you classic ride-on toys designed and crafted to last as long as the sweet memories. Bicycle engineer Sylvester Yen, who has two decades of experience designing and manufacturing children’s bicycles, founded Morgan Cycle. While the industry raced to produce cheaper products, Sylvester dreamed of offering the most beautiful, safe and finely crafted ride-on vehicles. The very first Morgan tricycle was inspired by the original 1936 Van Doren design that captured the hearts of generations of Americans and was founded on the concept of “simple solidity.”

Research shows that helping children develop emotional literacy before kindergarten sets them up for success in life. Enter acclaimed multi-media guru, The Mother Company. Known primarily for its award-winning series “Ruby’s Studio: The Feelings Show,” The Mother Company has launched its first line of children’s books aimed at providing social and emotional learning for kids. A Little Book About Feelings gives kids a simple explanation of varying emotions and what they mean. Its basic words and beautifully bright pictures will help children understand their own feelings and the feelings of others.

Who says that learning to communicate well has to be an exercise in tedium? The folks at Fundex Games have figured out a great way to help everyone, from students on up, to practice their communication skills in an exciting new game. Billed as “The Game of Construction by Instruction”, InStructures goes well beyond architecture: it actually has enjoyable learning down to a science.The developer of such popular games as Jarts and Gnip Gnop, Fundex has been bringing quality fun to families for over 25 years.

Who can forget Louis Armstrong’s powerful ballad, “What a Wonderful World”? The song reminds us all to take a look at our surroundings and really appreciate the true beauty and splendor that is everywhere we turn. He sang about the colors of the rainbows, trees of green, skies of blue and clouds of white in a way that vividly creates images in our minds of the colors of our beautiful world. Bestselling picture book author and illustrator, Ashley Wolff’s newly released hardcover edition, Baby Bear Sees Blue, celebrates these beautiful colors in a tale of discovery and wonder.

Expired: March 12th, 2012 - April 5th, 2012

The Easter Bunny has arrived!

This is the BIGGEST sale Zoobies® has ever offered. For the month of March only, we are offering 4 FREE Goodnight Moon™ Bunnies for every $200 spent—an $80 value! Spend $400 and get $160 free!

Note: Offer not valid with any other discounts and will only be offered for product shipped before April 5th.

Quick: picture a daydreamer hard at work. Can’t do it? Daydreamers aren’t usually associated with go-getters. Typically thought of as laid-back and passive, daydreamers are actually anything but lazy. Research scientists Kalina Christoff of UBC and Jonathan Schooler of UCSB monitored subjects with wandering attention, and have drawn the same conclusion that other studies have shown: daydreaming is not for slackers. The real question has nothing to do with whether daydreaming is beneficial, but rather how this brain power can be tapped and turned into the concrete. The answer? Daydream Toys.

Whether it is one princess and a table full of stuffed guests, several little girls gathered in their finest, special tea time with grandma, a pouting little brother forced to be the two in his sister’s tea, plain or fancy, tea parties are a cherished, timeless pastime. Tea sets can be found in a variety of styles: made of plastic, enamelware, porcelain or wood, modern or classic, brightly colored or painted by hand, there is the perfect set for every little girl. The Giggle Guide® serves up a party that includes sets from Jack Rabbit Creations, Beatrix Potter by Reutter Porcelain, I’m Still Me and Melissa & Doug.

Parents lovingly store favorite stuffed animals for their future grandchildren, but even with the best of intentions and storage systems, there’s no escaping the unmistakable musty smell of an old friend called back from pasture. The universal truth is, all old toys will have to be washed. And to those carrying a 20-year-old delicate teddy who has undergone multiple surgeries, that can be a daunting process. Your customers will love you for carrying the perfect solution: Teddy Needs a Bath.

Wednesday, April 25 – Poolside Reception – Welcome to Southpoint!
Please join us poolside for an evening of exceptional networking, lively entertainment and unlimited food and drink.
Thursday, April 26 – Beer & Bowling Networking Reception –
You don’t have to bowl or even leave the resort to have fun at our industry networking reception. Meet new people and catch up with old friends while sipping on your favorite beer (and other drinks) along with hors d’oeuvres.

Contact: All Baby & Child, Inc. (ABC Kids Expo) / (210) 691-4848
Toy Fair - New York City, New York (2/12/12 - 2/15/12)

New York City played host to nearly 27,000 industry professionals from more than 100 countries when the four-day 109th American International Toy Fair showed off more than 100,000 products at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. “Toy Fair has evolved into one of the greatest shows on earth, attracting powerful players from the $83 billion global toy industry,” said Carter Keithley, TIA President. “Our show is proven to be a critical stop on the global toy circuit and a magical, exciting experience for all who come.” Here are a few of the showstoppers discovered by The Giggle Guide’s Leesa Valentino at the latest Toy Fair: Greenzys, Follow Me Fairies, Joi Dolls and Dazzu.

