The Latest Trade Tweets

@RavennaBlog Yikes! That does not sound like a fun afternoon!
» In reply to RavennaBlog
Loving my new HP OfficeJet pro 8600. Easy to scan my sketches, email and share with my design team. Easy!
Once again, I create another fabulous design after 10 pm
@MarthaStewart Congratulations to you and your family! Welcome Truman! Best wishes and many blessings.
» In reply to MarthaStewart
#Win an Angry Birds bodysuit OR blanket from @swaddledesigns at @MommyMeGiveaway! #Rafflecopter #giveaway ends 3/22
Happy Friday the 9th of March to you all! Yes, bit excited its Friday and the sun has cleared the clouds away to...
The Winner of the Ladybug pair of clippys is Colleen Morton! Congratulations! Thank you everyone for posting and...
Upcoming Conferences & Events for Women, Entrepreneurs & Bloggers #mompreneur
Moxie Couture Wants To Know: What Do You Look For When Purchasing Clothing For Your Daughter? Style, Price, Designer, Etc.
umm. . . yes please. gorgeousness from Little Bunny Blue -- "Teddy Needs A Bath" Makes Plushies Clean
Watch this video series to see what manufacturers are saying about Las Vegas Market and Gift+Home.
@ohmygoshbeck I'm thinking maybe a quick 10 min doze then lunch...
» In reply to ohmygoshbeck
I need a nap...or lunch
@Real_Simple I used the left over paper napkins from our wedding. I still smile everytime I see them as I pull out our special dishes x15yrs
» In reply to Real_Simple
Lose It by Austra, from #SoundHound with LiveLyrics™
Need a little workout motivation? Working out doesn’t always mean having to run or do sit-ups. Read on for weekend...
Happy International Women's Day!
Angry Birds Space: First details announced by Rovio Entertainment via @guardian
9 Facebook posts that can help hospitals connect with patients

