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@e_FashionPolice Thank you for the follow!
» In reply to e_FashionPolice
mox·ie[mok-see] noun Slang 1.vigor; verve; pep. 2.courage and aggressiveness; nerve. 3.skill; know-how.
Thanks for participating everyone! #kidsbiz
Who will be @ChildrensClub or @PlaytimeNewYork next week? #kidsbiz
Great chat! Can't wait until next month! #kidsbiz
@missgraham @caletha_style I'd definitely be interested in a group on LinkedIn! #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
If you're interesed in using Pinterest for biz read this chat: #kidsbiz
@caletha_style #kidsbiz Caletha - Thank you for sharing your time, talent and wisdom with us. I appreciate you.
» In reply to caletha_style
Ok. Thanks everyone for participating. We'll do this again next month! #kidsbiz
@missgraham It's important for veterans too. How do you think they've stayed in biz so long??? #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
@missgraham There are definitely groups on LinkedIn. I haven't found anyone to be that active/serious #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
If some1's buying the same line as you at a booth, exchange info. If they're across the country they're prob not direct competitors #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz There are several groups one can join on LinkedIn that involve children's business too.
@missgraham @caletha_style I hear ya! A children's apparel org would be an amazing resource! #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
so it's all about keeping your eyes open as you head into the next trade show season & looking for new industry BFFs! #kidsbiz
@missgraham that's why you have to start you own (informal) group #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
.@missgraham children's apparel orgs used to exist. not sure what's out there now though #kidsbiz
» In reply to missgraham
aggregator sites like business of fashion, racked and fashionista are great for quick bites which link to full articles #kidsbiz
In terms of other resources, I love the NY Times, WSJ, Financial Times, WWD... any paper with a retail or fashion section esp #kidsbiz
@IBNJEANS follow up is so key! I try to do the same #kidsbiz
» In reply to IBNJEANS

