The Latest Trade Tweets

Think: Moms today are what? #kidsbiz
@caletha_style @SnuggleBugz Thank you! What a great idea they have! #kidsbiz
» In reply to caletha_style
@TheGiggleGuy Ok but what about the American parent and the economy? Why did it get traction? #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
You have to be able to connect the dots on what you're seeing and hearing #kidsbiz
: @caletha_style Re Bugab. At the time, they launched trade in Earnshaw's. - They pushed fashion first, function second. #kidsbiz
Now there’s high-end machines and stores from companies like Nespresso. Without Starbucks, they wouldn’t exist. #kidsbiz
If you were in the coffee or bev biz and were paying attention, you could see that how people thought about the product changed #kidsbiz
Think abt Starbucks. Those stores created an experience and a taste for premium coffee and a new pricing structure #kidsbiz
@caletha_style Re Bugab. At the time, they launched trade in Earnshaw's. - They pushed fashion first, function second.
» In reply to caletha_style
Back to Q2 there are definitely products (which I won't name) that I didn't see working but they're suceeded! #kidsbiz
The store is @SnuggleBugz @Moxiecouture #kidsbiz
FB is great RT @moxiecouture: @caletha_style currently, interacting with our customers on our Facebook page has been great for us #kidsbiz
@TheGiggleGuy Good ex. RE Bugaboo. Can you see now the market conditions and consumer mindset that allowed it to work? #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@caletha_style @tereskids that is a great piece of advice!! Will have to implement that into our routine! #kidsbiz
» In reply to caletha_style
#kidsbiz Q2. More surprises in kid products than fashions have surprised me. Bugaboo broke ceiling on $ of strollers in US. 10 yrs. ago!
@caletha_style currently, interacting with our customers on our Facebook page has been great for us. Any other tips? #kidsbiz
» In reply to caletha_style
#kidsbiz - Ha! The faster horse is true. I still like what I've always liked. Only in looking at pics do I see my style has changed.
#kidsbiz - What other web sites, mags help one look ahead, past where consumers' tastes are now?
#kidsbiz - Tweet Deck is working fast from west.
As a manufacturer and retailer, I'm looking forward to your tips @caletha_style #kidsbiz

