The Latest Trade Tweets

I always say stalk people in the bathroom line at trade shows! #kidsbiz
@caletha_style very true. :) #kidsbiz
» In reply to caletha_style
@MoxieCouture But you know what you know. ;) #kidsbiz
» In reply to MoxieCouture
My biz partner told me, "You can't projet the world from Burbank." (Or wherever you are from . . . need others and varied input.) #kidsbiz
So, how do you guys meet others in the industry? Trade shows? just by working together? #kidsbiz
@caletha_style very true! Sometimes though, I feel as though I'm so new to the industry that I don't have much to offer. #kidsbiz
» In reply to caletha_style
Vitamin D linked to stronger bones in girls
If you're always taking, soon enough the favor bank will close #kidsbiz
Q3 #kidsabiz - My biz partner reminded me, "You can't project the world from Burbank."
I have good "well placed" friends in the industry but as importantly, I try to be that person for them #kidsbiz
Sometimes what you learn from them confirms what you already know and sometimes you learn something new but it's all valuable #kidsbiz
Running a business takes a village. Everyone has a different piece of the puzzle. #kidsbiz
Q3 Have you made industry friends? How have these relationships helped you see beyond your corner of the industry? #kidsbiz
But as I mentioned in my article, you have to know your customer but also retail as a whole. #kidsbiz
@TheGiggleGuy Exactly. Good economy plus there was the emergence of the 'yummy mummy'—moms not having to give up personal style #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
a product that promises more advantages would click with them esp given the competive nature of things now and fear for the future #kidsbiz
Taken together (plus lots of other anecdotal evidence) parents today are much more concerned and involved then in the past #kidsbiz
parents "red shirting" their kids so they start school a year later and therefore have an advantage #kidsbiz
10 yrs. ago economy was such that parents were willing to spend more. B, had "it" appeal. Focu in metro cities too. #kidsbiz
2 things I've seen on rv in the last couple of days: attachement parenting gaining ground and... #kidsbiz

