The Latest Trade Tweets

Have any retailers made a resolution to TRY one NEW product cateogry or brand this quarter? #kidsbiz
Anyone made a resolution to p[ersonally call or write a personal note to a retailer at least x times per month? #kidsbiz
RT @TheGiggleGuy: Offer incentives & recog to staff for sales increase. Ask store mgr. to send display ideas. Reward+praise+sharing ideas
Has anyone made a resolution to set a marketing/promotional budget based on last yr's sales? Plan promos in advance. #kidsbiz
Has anyone made a resolution to return phone calls and answer emails from customers and good service providers promptly? #kidsbiz
Offer incenrtives and recognition to staff for increase in sales. Ask store mgr. to send in display ideas. Reward + praise + sharing ideas
The bottom line is, you have to be creative and consistent and remember that you should play a part in your sell-throughs #kidsbiz
RT @TheGiggleGuy: E-newsletters, on road reps, YouTube examples, incentive programs can help educate retailers about brands #kidsbiz
Offer key accounts free merchandize for in-store incentive programs and contests. Free merch based on sales goals is one way.
Oh right, and I wanted to know what your actual biz resolutions are. #kidsbiz
E-newsletters, on road reps, YouTube examples, incentive programs can help educate retailers about brands #kidsbiz
Ok, my fingers are tired. Who's with me? #kidsbiz
Any other ways to show stores how best to showcase your goods? #kidsbiz
Maybe you can personally visit all of your stores, but you could make a cute display, snap a pic and send it to them, right? #kidsbiz
One toy company I know of dispatched employees to its best retailers to give them window and display help—and saw sales increases #kidsbiz
Even if the store owner is a visual merchandising wiz, she probably has too much to do to come up with amazing ideas for your collx #kidsbiz
Then there's merchandising... how would you prefer for your collection to be shown? #kidsbiz
How can you help educate the entire staff on why your line is better than your competitors'? #kidsbiz
Personally, I've been to stores where the sales people knwo the brands & stores where tehy're clueless #kidsbiz
To that point, what type of employee training to you offer? Do you think the sales people know your brand & its attributes? #kidsbiz

