The Latest Trade Tweets

Plus, the buyer you sold to isn't necessarily the one who'll be on the floor interacting with customers. #kidsbiz
Remember 100 vendors at a given store, thousands of skus #kidsbiz
Of course her brand is carried in the store but the sales people hadn't taken notice... #kidsbiz
I mentioned this in my column, but one vendor called a store to check in on her sales and was told her brand isn't carried there #kidsbiz
Has retailer ever asked you for marketing support? Retailers, how much support do you get from brands? #kidsbiz
So, now your goods are in the store. Is your job done? #kidsbiz
I don't think the difference comes from stated delivery dates, it comes in actual delivery dates. Execution #kidsbiz
@TheGiggleGuy In general, the season is pretty uniform in terms of delivery dates (at least in a given classification), no? #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
How can one find out what delivery dates the competitors have? #kidsbiz
More than one vendor has told me their great season was a direct result of other vendors failing to ship or shipping late #kidsbiz
If you deliver first, you have more time to sell and you're one of fewer options, which could equal a better sales season #kidsbiz
Ok so you've sold into the right stores. What next? #kidsbiz
Do you think your distribution is helping your sales, hindering them, neither? #kidsbiz
What's your trick for getting your baby to snooze soundly? Enter it now and enter to win a free @Greenbuds_Baby Mattress!...
If you're hanging in too many stores, what choice do they have but to compete on price. #kidsbiz
if you're hanging next to the right brands, it lends a certain cachet. #kidsbiz
how many of you are strategic about the stores you sell? what's your strategy? #kidsbiz
distribution is perception. depending on your prod classification and positioning it could make or break you #kidsbiz
the first thing to consider, which might sound counterintuitive, is your distribution--tightening it #kidsbiz
Some stores have a 100 vendors, countless SKUs. You've got to stand out, be meaninful to the stores and helpful #kidsbiz

