The Latest Trade Tweets

Safe Sleep - Remember to keep baby at a comfortable temperature -not too hot, not too cold, but comfortably warm. Touch, feel tummy or back
Make sure you've got this date down! Sample Sale Nov 10 & 11.
Started the weekend off with a macaron run. Something tells me it's gonna be a good one
Son at Friend's house, Little Daughter at sleepover. Grin #datenight !
@jennihogan LOL! Umm... that's Family night! Enjoy!
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Visit the website to checkout the Fabulous Holiday Collection! We've been busy updating the site all day!
Thought I would share my findings for designer leftovers. This is from another LA designers previous seasons...
@yayayarndiva Interesting! re: Vit D
» In reply to yayayarndiva
I thought everyone might enjoy a little visual of the fabric recycling of the designer leftovers-This is one...
Fall Sale! Up to 60% off! Great savings! Our Loved zzZipMe Sacks and Swaddle Blankets! Lots of great choices
@giggle Yes! @GeneJuarez Prenatal massage was a lifesaver! And I always felt so well cared for, nurtured... AND beautiful afterwards!
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@MarketerExpo Thank you for the mention! Have a great weekend!
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@TheGiggleGuy Awww! Thank you! Mwah!
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
Who wants a FREE bumkins wet bag? They make great trick or treat bags! Comment on our facebook post and win:
RT @WallCandyArts: Is it a happy #FF where you are? Here's hoping! @NewJammies, @ArtDish, @DeadOnDesign, @TheGiggleGuy, @everaftercts YES!
RT @SwaddleDesigns: @TheGiggleGuy @ABCKidsEXPO LOL! That was fun! Thank you for posting! :D Lynette and Jeff D. are a special couple.
@gaynycdad Squinkies!? What a CUTE name! :)
» In reply to gaynycdad
@PumpStation Thank you for the follow and mention! Have a GREAT weekend!
» In reply to PumpStation
Thank you for the #FF Luv! RT@LINDATRISTAN: FOR all things BABY @GiltChildren @Stuff4Multiples @babystylefile @TrumpetteInc @BabyBellaMaya
@PureCupcakery @partycupcakes @StayCalmCupcake Thank you for the mentions! Pssst...My first doll's name was Cupcake. :D LOVED her!
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