The Latest Trade Tweets

For the Birthday Girl!
Just added to Moxie Couture!
suffering through the most tedious task ever. feels like i'm being punished for something. no worries. i'm sure i earned it ;)
RT @kouponkaren: Hot Deal: 40% off at @BabyLegs
@lilmamak77 Are you going to enter BabyLegs costume contest?
» In reply to LilMamaK77
RT @lilmamak77: In other news, ordered a pair of Apple Pie @BabyLegs to complete my 6mo's Wonder Woman costume (complete w/Blue Starry...
Thanks! RT @theleakysippy: LOVE @BabyLegs customer service! They communicated with me before I even wondered where my order was!! A++++
#BabyLegs Blogger Shawna writes about breastfeeding & what to do when things don't go according to plan. Check it out!
RT @sarahfinn613: It is the cutest thing that my husband gets excited when we get cloth diapers in the mail, now anxiously awaiting baby...
@1samsimon Everyone feels this way from time to time. Hang on and Take a deep breath. Hugs
» In reply to 1samsimon -- Princesse Ilou and Prince Ange Give Swimwear the Royal Treatment
@BreastfeedingM I knew! :)
» In reply to BreastfeedingM
Do you have a beautiful Bratt room? If so, please post it on facebook page and inspire the world with your beauty!
Being Elmo by @EliseCD
@lythics Hope you and your little cutie can get some sleep tonight. Best wishes.
» In reply to lythics
@lythics Did they show you how to drop a couple saline drops one nostril, then gently suction, then next nostril, suction, wash bulb syringe
» In reply to lythics
@ChynnaPhillips Awww! You keep on dancing! You are a lovely lovely dancer! Dance because you Love it! xoxo Thank you for sharing with us!
» In reply to ChynnaPhillips
OC Blogger Bash – The 60s Were Never This Fabulous by @MomsLA
Kids are playing Clue for the first time. Mommy! I figured it out! It was Colonial Mustard! (Try reading that card again, cutie pie) Ohhhh!
I have to say, have just received this picture in of a gorgeous young bubba named Breaker wearing Retro Rainbow...

