The Latest Trade Tweets

@DesirreAndrews Keep envisioning it and go for it. Even as a mini book it would be great. Later add as a chapter to a more indepth book.
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DrJonathan They didn't know the Pres uses a new pen with each signature?? Hmmm...
» In reply to DrJonathan
@DesirreAndrews Seriously. You should save them. Good stuff. Think of all the women you would help.
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@opphoto Thank you! Have a great weekend!
» In reply to opphoto
@DesirreAndrews Been reading your red flag/white flags. Consider publishing these in a mini book. Seriously, best seller stuff here. xo
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@lythics That sounds delicious!
» In reply to lythics
January market dates: Showrooms, January 19-25 and Temps, January 21-24. We've got twelve football fields of product to discover!
RT @rockinmama -> Expand Your Palate Globally With McCormick’s Recipe Inspirations World Flavors *Giveaway*
@DesirreAndrews So grateful for my mom. She gave the best advice, LOVE and support of anyone! BF was natural and beautiful in her eyes/mind
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews (cont) nuances of BF. Successful BF for over 2 yrs. The the beginning was a bumpy start for sure!
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews Didn't go well...but I didn't give up. Fortunately, my mom had BF me & sibs and was very supportive. Taught me great (cont)
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews (cont) is best now with the info I have. Eventually, DH cut visit a day short - it was that bad.
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews I gently told her, she did what she thought was best with the info she was given 35 yrs prior, and I'm doing what I (cont)
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews (cont) It was devastating! My heart just sank. She would even follow me into my bedroom to make neg comments. :(
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
@DesirreAndrews MIL said, "Don't bother!" "I can't believe you're doing that!" "He must not be getting enough!" "Bottle feeding is easier"
» In reply to DesirreAndrews
Stylemax starts October 22 at The Merchandise Mart. Check out the great lines at Find great fashion and accessories!
@meagancwalker yum!
» In reply to meagancwalker
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech- This is very inspiring! from @momsreview4you
Happy Birthday, Jen Levinson (aka Jen’s List) from @MBMomBlogger
In the memory of a great man! Great Inspirational Steve Jobs Quotes! RT: @momsreview4you

