The Latest Trade Tweets

Communications, Marketing & PR students, check out the deets on this career event on Nov. 19 w/ @SeventeenMag
Coupons are hot these days. Learn how to use @microsofttag to attract customers to your store thru mobile coupons
.@giftingexperts Thank you so much for including SwaddleDesigns in your Top 10!
» In reply to giftingexperts
On the Street….Stefano Tonchi, Paris
Who remembers when . . . first Apple in office was a Macintosh in only b&W? With a Kindle-like screen?
Remember when . . . juvenile brands were afraid they'd make independents upset by welling to big boxes or discounters?
Remember when . . . Winnie the Pooh products were only sold at Sears.? And were not popular or plentiful?
Remember when . . . state-of-the-art office equip. was a big blue IBM correcting typewriter?
My room in NYC @childrensclub was so small I could only turn sideways in the shower . . . or do the hokey pokey. Put your right leg in . . .
My room in NYC for @childrensclub was so small . . . I had to sit side saddle in the bathroom.
Who remembers . . . when women could not wear pants suits to work?
Who remembers . . . Small World, Juvenile Merchandising and Children's Business magazines? And "house organs" co. mags?
Who remembers . . . when ind. juvie store packaging was a 1-c olor corrugated box in the back. 'Cause a PERSON sold the products displayed?
Who remembers . . . when JPMA show was in NYC? Dallas? Or event Orlando? Who remembers that JPMA was THE show in MAY?
Who remembers . . . when paper routes were the exclusive after school job of grade schoolers on bikes.
Who remembers . . . when you'd smell the ink on a school test, and needed a supply of No. 2 pencils?
Who remembers . . . when the worst think in the art. dept. was forgetting to plug in the waxerr?
Who remembers . . . when you'd have to ask someone if they had a fax machine so you could send them something?
Michael Berens, U.S. Sales Director for DONTIA said his hotel room for ENK was so small, he had to go into the hallway to change his mind.
I'm at Barnes & Noble (150 West Swedesford Rd, Devon)

