The Latest Trade Tweets

Shiloh in this weeks People Mag - with our Kiwi Baby Lovie in hand. So happy she finds them so comforting!
A Walk Down A Country Road, A Church In The Woods, A Lesson About Life
A client had to remind me to send in my invoice. Duh! The most important part of the whole gig. Work with me. Apparently I work for free LOL
Learn how the @Greenbuds brand was born and we're giving away one of our organic sheets. Go take a peek!
We'll miss you! You can register to watch a live webcast of #AOTC during #LVMkt @KyleRomaniuk
» In reply to KyleRomaniuk
We can't wait either! Looking forward to any events or seminars? @DesignerDann Can't wait for the #LVMkt next week! Are you going to...
» In reply to DesignerDann
So because there are SOOOO many things happening at Bugalug, we figure we might as well do MORE! Watch here for details!
If you don't love Totsy yet - u should!! RT @MyTotsy: We love Totsy and here are some people who love us, too!
YUMMM!! Can't wait for lunch now! RT @thescramble: Leftover chicken, nectarine and almond salad was such a gre… (cont)
@kaizen4greg The result of all of your jailbreaking, natch!
» In reply to kaizen4greg
@Pamalot28 no problem! :) Didn't want you to miss out. :)
» In reply to Pamalot28
Change is good - right??!! How come it comes with so much stress??
Very nice today in NYC but when people are emailing/texting from their Italian vacations... can't help but be jealous.
Starting to make my @childrensclub and @playtimenewyork appointments today. I will split my day btwn the two on Sun & at ENK all day Mon #li
Spotted a casting call in Sydney for all you mums with lovely cherub bubbas - head over to Baby's Got Style
@The520Baldeagle Maybe! :D
» In reply to The520Baldeagle
@Alyssa_Milano Rachel's birthday wish lives over $500,000!
» In reply to Alyssa_Milano
Rachel's birthday wish lives on. Exceeds $500,000! #Angel
sigh....Nubies Elegance, due to hit stores end of August....sweet enough to make me want to have another little...
Have you entered our giveaway?? 12 non-slip barrettes in 6 exclusive prints. You'll be the 1st to have these NEW...

