The Latest Trade Tweets

@sophieandlili PR is tomorrow night, I think
» In reply to sophieandlili
Thanks to the trailer on @CharlieRoseShow last night, I MUST see Crazy Stupid Love. Loving Ryan Goslings' character's huge... ego ;)
@Knuckleheadsinc: Great advise- RT @TheGiggleGuy: Caletha Crawford shared wit & wisdom about biz relations on <--Thanks!
» In reply to Knuckleheadsinc
We want to know - if you could ask President Bill Clinton one question, what would it be? Send us your questions by tomorrow! #LVMAskClinton
@Knuckleheadsinc Thanks for the RT about Caletha Crawford.
» In reply to Knuckleheadsinc
Caletha Crawford shared wit & wisdom about biz relations on See 7-27 on home pg.
Want to know How to Swaddle like the nurses in the hospital? How to Swaddle Video
Sign Up for #AOTC webcast on top trends at #LVMkt @jeffreymarksinc @NTurnerDesign @tonybaratta @EditorAtLarge
Funny how the baby loves to be on my lap while I'm on it all the pretty pictures of you lovely women??
We want to know! If you could ask President Bill Clinton one question what would it be? #LVMAskClinton #LVMkt
La Chik / Inside The Leather is looking for sewers (in Calgary) to make their fabulous new Ooh La Legs! If you...
Irresistible, massive time waster of the day? Suri's Burn Book Thanks @rackedny
Tweet us a photo of your setup! @WorldMarketCtr setting up the @SteveSilver and @winnersonly showrooms! Stop by and check us out!
In case you missed it (like I did) here's more #fashioncampusnyc coverage in the Parsons @thenewschool blog
I need to sit down and make a list of everyone I'm hoping to see/meet with at the upcoming shows. I have a vague idea that it's a long list
Register for a live webcast of #AOTC featuring the hottest trends by 3 of the nation's foremost tastemakers! 8/3 @ 9am
@paperflavor ABC Expo is a good (huge) baby trade show. It's in a new venue/city this year so not sure how that will change things if at all
» In reply to paperflavor
@Pamalot28 did you enter our new Bugalug giveaway!? :)
» In reply to Pamalot28
We've got a GREAT Bugalug giveaway happening at Facebook! 6 pairs of our brand new, exclusive prints! You'… (cont)
More great press for my client, Skylar Luna. Read about the new in-stock, organic pj line in Hudson's blog: #li

