The Latest Trade Tweets

So thrilled for Women's USA Soccer! Women athletes ROCK! #WWCS
How are you making your day a Sunday Funday?
Reminding you all to love wildly today!
I'm at Bottoms Up! (Αρχάγγελος)
I just became the mayor of Haraki Beach on @foursquare!
@Preparing4Birth Good good good! Have a great weekend! :)
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@premierbabyplan Thank you for the mention! :)
» In reply to premierbabyplan
@Preparing4Birth Abt 5% pop have Factor V, many more do not know they have. Norm birth, normal birthwt, but clot faster than norm. Glad Aok
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@Preparing4Birth How's babe and mom?
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@Preparing4Birth Looks like there are some clots too? Hx of Factor V in fam?
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
Cutie Patootie Fishies!
Great day for Sailing! Check these out!
@TheBabyGuyNYC I've been thinking of you. You've been very quiet (on Twitter anyway) lately. Hoping all is ok with you.
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
Peace, Love, Swaddle
@phdinparenting So sweet. Heartwarming. :) Have a great weekend!
» In reply to phdinparenting
@O_Magazine Thanks! That was fun. As a former prof ice skater I enjoyed the Ice skating link as well. :) Have a great weekend!
» In reply to O_Magazine
Love the park avenue in white. They'll be in stock very soon. Order yours today!
@asaiexgv1 thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to asaiexgv1
@jamesbutchart It's Friday!!! WooHoo! Is it a Rita kind of night?
» In reply to jamesbutchart
Come join us on FB! We're talking about ICE CREAM! #SummerFun

