The Latest Trade Tweets

@heddydeddy You are so very welcome!
» In reply to heddydeddy
A No Slippy original, grosgrain ladybugs will make you smile. :o)
Baby flowers are too cute for words!
Dottie pink and brown, classic!
Alexis flowers are a NSHC favorite!
I posted a new photo to Facebook
NSHC Mini Clippy (1 1/4" velvet lined alligator clip) Haley in sweet for babies & toddlers!
Gotta share this little cutie
#FF Luv @ShariCriso @mamamelinda @thebabyguynyc @feministbreeder @preparing4birth @mybestbirth @bestforbabes
@melissamoog Thank you for the #FF Luv! Have a great weekend and keep 'em cookin! You are doing awesome!
» In reply to melissamoog
@LINDATRISTAN Thank you for the #FF! have a great weekend!
» In reply to LINDATRISTAN
Thanks to all our fans that are posting photos on our wall of their NSHC Girls!
@AFA_Elite We will have social media seminars at Hot Spot brought to you by @PuTTinOuT! Stay tuned for more info...
» In reply to AFA_Elite
@mvgandhi Thanks, M. We're super excited too. The countdown officially begins for #FashionCampusNYC!
» In reply to mvgandhi
@rayclaxton thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to rayclaxton
Don't miss the star of Million Dollar Decorators, Jeffrey Alan Marks, at the Ahead of The Curve panel discussion...
@WhitneyMWS @momfluential
» In reply to WhitneyMWS
Just had a costly (in time) learning experience. I'm going to take it for what it's worth so I don't repeat it. ARGH. Hello, weekend!
We need addresses for the t-shirt winners from Wednesday evening...make sure you send them to us!
@BarbieStyle On the lookout in San Francisco!
» In reply to BarbieStyle

