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@MommasGoneCity Oh no! Time for a Whine Free Zone...and the zone follows me where ever I go!
» In reply to MommasGoneCity
@PinkyFuzzBoo However, those experiences teach US how to be even better friends to our friends, & yes only say what you can follow thru with
» In reply to PinkyFuzzBoo
@PinkyFuzzBoo So sorry to hear that! It's painful when ppl you thought were friends show their true colors & aren't there when you need them
» In reply to PinkyFuzzBoo
Nothing sadder than receiving that auto vacation email. When they leave a contact for urgent matters, what defines urgent? I want=urgent!
@caletha_style Maybe it becomes a fill-in-the-blank template for the next job. Sounds like you can't be there to direct. Make him iPad it!
» In reply to caletha_style
@caletha_style He'll appreciate your attention to detail. Plus it brings you peace. Professional OCD is $. But the buck stops with you!
» In reply to caletha_style
Just sent an epically long email to my photog for the upcoming shoot filled with instructions & with reference swipe attached. Poor guy. #li
@LulyYangCouture beautiful...I get so much pleasure looking at Luly's designs. :)
» In reply to LulyYangCouture
@MommyJenna So true, but it's just the way their brain works - it's not "formally organized" like an adult's
» In reply to MommyJenna
In memory of this little angel Caylee Marie Anthony
@Preparing4Birth Hope that helps and you find your answers! :)
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@Preparing4Birth Or make a phone call appt wHead of Pediatrics @ local hosp with your specific questions
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@Preparing4Birth Perhaps try calling a university with a medical school specializing in pediatrics.
» In reply to Preparing4Birth
@PinkyFuzzBoo True. If you don't know what to say or how to help, saying something like "I'm here if you need me" can mean so much.
» In reply to PinkyFuzzBoo
@StressFreeKids Congrats! :) Way to go!
» In reply to StressFreeKids
Nice question re: relationships & our fan's reponses happening on our FB page
Goodmorning peoples! How are y'all this morning? Im sending you a wish that you are all good! xx
@momvstheboys FABULOUS!! I will!
» In reply to momvstheboys
Is it wine o'clock yet??
So excited! Got new barrette ribbons today. More exclusive Bugalug designs and pretty dang cute if I do say so myself. :)

