The Latest Trade Tweets

@DenisHurley I won't tell her if you get me some. Otherwise....
» In reply to DenisHurley
@TheGiggleGuy no music yet. Cue the cocktails in two weeks though!
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@maya_tony pretty little box. Must be something nice, eh? Sadly, it's just a prop for a shoot.
» In reply to maya_tony
@crazytwinmomma Turn on water so it trickles in sink, & gently pour a small amt lukewarm water over peri area... usually works ~Lynette RN
» In reply to crazytwinmomma
Nothing but Blue sky! #Seattle
Christmas in July? Ah, the life of a wholesaler.
Facebook Poll: What is your favorite color for boy prints (bibs)? -- Children's Retail Best Practice Forum
Prioritizing. And trying to will the sources for my story to call me back!
@DuaneReade congrats on the new store!
» In reply to DuaneReade
Boyes will be home in an hour after camping with G&G for a week!! Let summer holidays (and the fighting) begin!
@mommastuffblog No milk. :( Couldn't figure out why she was awake ALL day. HUNGRY! Poor baby.
» In reply to mommastuffblog
Will there be a reality series about what really happened to "Soul Daddy" restaurants? At least a Dateline episode? -- Wee Ones Launches Petals! -- Author of Award-winning Baby Journal Launches Unique Baby Journaling Workshops
I can take hearing "no." But I cannot learn from the sounds of silence.
@caletha_style Congrats on this super NYC fashion event. Cue music?
» In reply to caletha_style
Grandogger St. Bernard is "terrierfied" of fireworks. What a night! Bombs bursting til 3 a.m.! Our 2 lil doggies slept. St. B unconsollible.
Listen in tomorrow on the Blythe Lipman show at
YES, more! Sorella Home on the bottom left of TableWare Today, a line represented by the Richard Cohen Collection.

