The Latest Trade Tweets

@brand_BIG Thank you for the mention! Have a great holiday weekend!
» In reply to brand_BIG
Bumps,#Babies & Beyond Expo - March 25, 2012! Fairfield County #CT's only baby #expo. #Vendors/sponsors DM today for early bird discounts!
Love this story from @WSJ about second acts: "reinvention has become a necessary skill."
@lythics Oh my...over the top in my opinion. Baby's palms have lot of nerve endings which they use to learn with, I wouldn't cover up.
» In reply to lythics
Our TUMZEE giveaway ends tomorrow and I'm sure you'll be busy, so be sure to enter TODAY!!! One Tumzee, color of...
@lythics Trim nails carefully, use gentle baby file to carefully file corners. Experts rec allowing baby access hands to mouth. :)
» In reply to lythics
@babalubaby Thank you for the RT! Have a great day!
» In reply to babalubaby
@victoriabeckham Very Sweet! :)
» In reply to victoriabeckham
Looking forward to summer starting after 4th of July as it traditionally does in Seattle. #Yearning4Sun
Clearly everyone has checked out (mentally or physically) for the long weekend already. Can't get anyone to answer my emails. Slackers!
In honor of the reissue of classic @Coach styles, just dug out my vintage Coach bag that I almost never use. Maybe I'll try again today.
Today is just about perfect. Breeze from the balcony, new music mix and getting paid to write about my favorite fashion industry blogs #li
RT @taraistcell: Just scored $78.00 in @BabyLegs leg warmers and socks for $19.50! Wahoo! #buyersrejoice #babylessfriendsthinkivelostmy...
Have you submitted your Rep Rewards referral forms for Aug #LVMkt? The last day to submit referrals is tomorrow, 7/1!
@TheGiggleGuy Thanks for the retweets
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
With my new role as a event planner & my travel stories, it's time for press junkets! LOL Seriously, I'm getting lots of exp in this area
@TheBabyGuyNYC . The power of positivity goes out to your family. It is perfect of you to ask. Healing of every kind be theirs.
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
I've had an iPhone for @ a year. Just clicked "Pandora" this week. Amazing what I'd been missing. G-bye XM radio for the summer! -- Carolina Baby Company Celebrates Good Business
Yippee! We made it to 1015! You guys are the best. Thank you! And a special thank you to the charming Ms Megan...

