The Latest Trade Tweets

@jackiemicucci Now why would give me such an idea??? Too late to eat though.
» In reply to jackiemicucci
@jackiemicucci It *IS* before bedtime for me! And I didn't have dinner.
» In reply to jackiemicucci
Working with the Cooking Channel on in the background. It's killing me. From desserts to fried chicken. Sigh
Find out why furniture manufacturers love #LVMkt, and why you will too!
That's ruin both! RT @Mommy_Instincts: Debating between tea or wine...” tough 1 wonder if u could mix both? But that might not taste so good
Debating between tea or wine...
LOL!! RT @partymomma: @Bugalug plenty of them. lol
Bratt Decor LOVES Curtis Stone (the hot Aussie chef) and would love to do his nursery (he and Lindsay Price are...
Wasted hrs. today to fix fraudulent charges on cc! Did u know it often starts with $5 "test" charges? Such a hassle. An epidemic crime?
The sun shining has put everyone in a good mood. My friend Michelle at Michelle Wells Photography is having a...
Our friend Sara at Sarita Baby is celebrating the postal strike being over by offering free shipping all week. See her FB page fro details!
Do you want to learn how to record your #child's life story in a #keepsake #baby #journal?
Need a #baby #shower #gift in a hurry? Have 2 #memory box #gift sets available to ship today in either green or blue. DM for great deal!
Have you ever received a "we're gong to sue you" letter?! Or know someone who has? Oh how FUN! LOL Seems to go on quite a bit.
very THRILLED @MariahCarey has our Pink Puppytooth blanket for daughter Monroe! Via
Thank you! RT @Chrissie123123: @swaddleDesigns I love your Peace Love Swaddles!
@monkeytoesshoes Thank you for your kind words! Hope you are having a great summer! xo
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
@melissamoog Thank you for the mention! Sending good thoughts your way!
» In reply to melissamoog
Check this out, goes international! :
We are going to extend a 4th of July FB sale, starting today until next week...... for our FB fans only....

