The Latest Trade Tweets

we'll be posting some items in a "for sale" folder. All items on that folder will be 40% off, the profit of those...
Zumba = Ouch!
Are you a rep? Find out how you can be entered into a $5,000 drawing by participating in our Rep Rewards Program!
@kaizen4greg nope. It just stopped not working a few hours and hard reboots and factory resets later.
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Are you a rep? Find out how you can be entered into a $5,000 drawing by participating in our Rep Rewards Program!
Are you a rep? Find out how you can be entered into a $5,000 drawing by participating in our Rep Rewards Program! -- Wee Ones Announces Rebecca R. Ebershoff Showroom as Los Angeles-Based Representative -- June Promo - UV Swim & Play Wear -- Bear Feet New T-Snap Shoe!
All dressed up for Zumba class tonight. Oh boy!
@ponnsabra Hi Ponn! I would love to sometime! Been swamped with 4 big projects taking up my bandwidth. Whew! Feel free to email me.
» In reply to ponnsabra
Delighted to announce we are sponsoring wonderful @DagmarBleasdale for #Blogher2011 !
@NewspaperGrl @ponnsabra Love it! #swaddlemom !
» In reply to NewspaperGrl
@Bncngoffthwlls I'll check it out, thanks. I could use a good laugh right now!
» In reply to Bncngoffthwlls
@kaizen4greg well for now, my phone is usable with some flakiness so I hope I can make it
» In reply to kaizen4greg
@kaizen4greg when's my new phone due???
» In reply to kaizen4greg
According to @refinery29, Suri Cruise owns over $150,000 worth in shoes & her entire wardrobe is worth $3.2 million. Seems reasonable
@Bncngoffthwlls I don't want to hear that! #3 is supposed to be easier isn't it??
» In reply to Bncngoffthwlls
@hoodoodesigns That sis me too. She sleeps at night, no prob. Think I should set alarm for 2am so I can get a shower in! LOL
» In reply to hoodoodesigns
@treehugger76 Glad I'm not alone! My Dh said the other day "THIS is why she only sleeps when you hold her" Nope, this is WHY I hold her!
» In reply to treehugger76

