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Watch this celeb Dad demo How to Swaddle
@MichaelKors Visit Seattle! Sunny, cool breeze, lots of beautiful spring blooms, green, lush, sparkling blue water. New Giselle at PNB
» In reply to MichaelKors -- Students Take Notice of LockerLookz
@NewspaperGrl Wonderful! I loved being pregnant in the summer! Congratulations!
» In reply to NewspaperGrl
A baby that won't sleep during the day = a mommy how can't get ANYTHING done!
@NewspaperGrl Thank you for following! We have a lot of great info under Learn on our website Have a great day!
» In reply to NewspaperGrl
NYC Interns, You know you want to sign up for Parsons' Fashion Campus NYC! Derek Lam is the keynote speaker. Register @
@SophieGiraffeUS Thank you for following! :) Have a great day!
» In reply to SophieGiraffeUS
@Bringrr I dunno. I just turned 40 & have 6 & 4 year old kiddos. I'm liable to forget my phone anywhere. Esp if the kids were playing w/it.
» In reply to Bringrr
@buriedwithkids And that's when it's time for a bath and bed...
» In reply to buriedwithkids
@Kiboomu How are you today?
» In reply to Kiboomu
I thought Donna Karan was supposed to be on @charlieroseshow on Monday. It wasn't. @DKNY any inside info? Did I miss it or dream it?
@jackiemicucci That's enough for nosy friends but others could be potential clients/ know someone who knows someone—which is good networking
» In reply to jackiemicucci
I need to come up with a succinct way to answer the "What are you doing these days?" question. The answer is complicated and long winded #li
@1_2_NeverGiveUp thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to 1_2_NeverGiveUp
Meat dress? @dreamsequins So... How to dress for 100 degrees today? #heatwave
@MomsofAmerica Love that you're a night owl too! xo
» In reply to MomsofAmerica
@MichaelKuluva Goodnight...xoxo
» In reply to MichaelKuluva
@MichaelKuluva Try tensing/relaxing your muscles, big deep breaths, relax your feet, your knees, hips, shoulders, time to rest your mind
» In reply to MichaelKuluva
Thank you for your orders! :)

