The Latest Trade Tweets

Not too hot, not too cold...important to keep baby comfortably warm
Is Half your plate filled with Fruit and Veggies? New Plate Icon to Guide Americans to healthier eating
Enjoy great rates at some of the best hotels while you're in town for Las Vegas Market. Visit our website for...
A big HELLO and WELCOME to all our new followers from the Help!...We've Got Kids facebook party! Sign up for our...
@jomomma722 That would be cute! Right now we've got a ton of really cool projects going though, like Hello Kitty. Maybe someday!
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@melissamoog I just might stop by and say Hi. Remember when we met at Tully's? Same neighborhood. :)
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@planethappytoys We have beautiful locally sewn organic blankets & can hand deliver to ur store neighbor! :) Swaddling, stroller& Lovie size
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@naturalmommie Smiles
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@melissamoog We are @planethappytoys neighbors! Literally just down the street! :) Beautiful store
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President of the AAP in town Speaking at Children's Hospital
Wrapping up a market research project for a client. Founds lots of great info for designing/marketing her line & facts for her biz plan #li
@JPMA thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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@bcpn Would you mind asking your followers to complete a short survey about baby clothes designed to make them better?
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Chocolate scented cream wax = Divine Torture. I'm not sure I care if my legs smell like chocolate. Ouch!
@AudreyMcClellan Me too! Hubby says try fresh aloe straight from the plant. He calls it Angel Juice.
» In reply to AudreyMcClellan
5 tips for building a successful rewards program | SmartBlog on Leadership
Last day to provide your feedback on baby clothes. Help us make them function better for baby & mom—Take the survey now
Is it time to surrender to Facebook?
3 ways to segment your Facebook fan base
@SeanIdeas thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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