The Latest Trade Tweets

Creativity, enthusiasm, integrity, persistence, determination, grace, resilence, dedication and lots and lots of hard work
@kathyireland I would say YOU definitely try hard enough! Look at all you do! Amazing and inspiring!
» In reply to kathyireland
My DH makes popcorn nearly every night AT 11:00pm! I think he is trying to plump me up!
@caletha_style @monilooboo Happy impending b-day week to CeCe! June 6! Let the celebrations begin.
» In reply to caletha_style
@kfasanella thanks for the link to the @Slate story about counterfeits driving the fashion industry. I discuss this issue with my class #li
» In reply to kfasanella
@kikiandkyle Mine too!
» In reply to kikiandkyle
@monilooboo Happy Birthday from one Gemini to another!
» In reply to monilooboo
LONDON MOONWALK - these three ladies took part in the London Moonwalk - Walking a distance of 26 miles during the...
@gary_wassner Americans aren't wired to think long term/big picture, unfortunately
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner & the goods can't be too expensive. That's the issue with organics. People like it in theory but generally it costs more
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner It's never going to be consumers' first criteria so they have to advertise it to bring the issue to mind.
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner Not all vendors do a good job of touting their Made in the US status either.
» In reply to gary_wassner
@mag_guy Right? I think I've underestimated this guy. LOL
» In reply to mag_guy
So the theme of Made in the US keeps coming up in my conversations this week. Do consumers really care or do we just want them to? #li
We had a ton of requests for 50% of $50 or more, so we're doing it again! Code: BL5050 for 50% off $50+ Clearance.
two days left to enter our fabulous butibag kuff-its and matching pony loops contest. see details below...
@gfrankland thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to gfrankland
two days left to enter our kuff-its contest. Two winners will be chosen. Enter on @butibag FB page for US winn… (cont)
@MinkyMoo how are you feeling??
» In reply to MinkyMoo
@kikiandkyle @thebabyguynyc Water or milk is really the way to go for that age group!
» In reply to kikiandkyle

