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We recommend swaddling with hands up by face as 1st choice, so baby can suck on fingers & baby cue for hunger with rooting #breastfeeding
Swaddling helps reduce awakenings caused by the startle (Moro) reflex. But need to wake newborn 2 BF if he or she sleeps more than 4 hrs
Swaddled back sleeping babies have lower incidence of SIDS than not swaddled back sleeping babies (Dwyer & Ponsonby)
In honor of Memorial Day, save 50% off Navy & Red Little Stars, and Sage Polka Dot Swaddling Blankets @SwaddleDesigns!
Not too hot, not too cold...keep baby comfortably warm. SwaddleDuo
Adorable little swaddler
@victoriabeckham Sooooo cute! :)
» In reply to victoriabeckham
I could use a 3-day weekend every couple of weeks to get work done. With everyone at BBQs, I can crank out a bunch of work w/o phone/emails
@andreasheridan thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to andreasheridan
OK - we're back on with our giveaways! Up next is one of my FAVORITE companies! We've partnered with butibag to...
Happy Monday! be in it to win it:)
@helloterumi I so enjoy driving by Luly Yang's windows too! Bliss!
» In reply to helloterumi
Save! 50% Off! Little Stars Navy & Red, Sage Polka Dots Deal of the Day! Happy Memorial Day! @SwaddleDesigns!
@eligurock I REALLY wish I could be there! Sue will be my stand in ;) Working on 4 big projects & move to much bigger facility.
» In reply to eligurock
oh wow, oh wow! Wouldnt you know it, have the best news to announce shortly, but keep the eve of 17th of June free...
@torianddean So sweet! My son (at 3.5) would sing "Beautiful babe" to my belly every am. Called his sis "babe" & "pomme" when she ws born :)
» In reply to torianddean
I love....morning conversations with customers. So nice chatting to all you mums out there, Hugglaugs customers are the best! xx
Goodmonday morning all! Its the start to a bright and shiny week for us here, despite the weather outside! Just...
@MelissaRycroft Wow Melissa! Great post-baby bod! Good inspiration! :)
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@TheBabyGuyNYC Send my love to Sheri & Eli!
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