The Latest Trade Tweets

@alilandry What a great moment. Blessed and a story for baby's lifetime. See you at PLUSH?
» In reply to alilandry
Thank you for posting, this is just adorable! <3
Check out this awesome review! There's a $25 NSHC give away, just visit her blog and enter! <3...
@TheBabyGuyNYC PLUSH is also promoting your appearance at the June 7-9 as an industry professional. #ontheroadagain
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC -- Portable Plushies from Ponytail Pals
@warbyparker Yes, she was very interesting. As I mentioned to her, I used to be in the eyewear industry so I get what you're doing
» In reply to WarbyParker
<3 this! Simple pleasures...Now go enjoy your long weekend!
On y croit, le printemps est presque là ! Et pour fêter ça, rendez-vous demain à la Spring Party organisée pa…
Bridging off & online is abt figuring out the imp pieces of off & bringing them online w/video, content & social @Shoptiques #fashiontech
Customers offline are different than those online bc some r older— @Shoptiques And some require more education— @WarbyParker #fashiontech
RT @3rdWaveFashion: "Do something very innovative-- that will justify your time." @OlgaVidisheva @Shoptiques #fashiontech
Innovative things are worth it. But you have to manage your time and not take too much away from your products. @Shoptiques #fashiontech
We've focused on events we can track based on our goals. U have to manage what makes sense. & u have to do it well @Shoptiques #fashiontech
We had to decide, are the goals for offline events sales, brand awareness or acquiring users @MaterialWrld #fashiontech
The highlight of offline events is we get to see customers' excitement while they shop. Planning is challenging @MaterialWrld #fashiontech
There is no existing mold or formula for online/offline so we're figuring it out as we go— @WarbyParker #fashiontech
We love having events and having our customers introduce their friends. We believe in events @Shoptiques #fashiontech
Partnerships are about identifying stakeholders that are important to us like our showrooms in boutiques @WarbyParker #fashiontech
Showrooms are partnerships with boutiques and hotel groups that gives @WarbyParker an opp for brand alignment & low investment #fashiontech

