The Latest Trade Tweets

Social trust and social accountability is at the core of tools like @materialwrld @ebay and @Airbnb #fashiontech
Ex. of online helping offline. Shop online by hood & pick up in store esp for stores/cities with no parking via @Shoptiques #fashiontech
How are your customers talking about your site? Their words can tell you how they feel about and interact with you @LizaK #fashiontech
In person product feedback is so important. Nothing beats subjective feedback—hearing abt difficulties or wants @MaterialWrld #fashiontech
Our philosophy is one inventory. Everything connects to one database. We've invested in in house tech to do that— @WarbyParker #fashiontech
Offline it's all about the associates so we take pride in selecting and training them and giving them the tools— @WarbyParker #fashiontech
Want to open a popup? "Keep your eyes and ears open and walk around the city. It's a great branding exercise." — @AnthemWares #fashiontech
At the Third Wave #FashionTech Online Goes Offline event waiting to hear from Warby Parker, Material World and...
Delivering what you customers currently want isn't enough. They want you to lead them to the next great thing:
@CharChronicles So cute. I once did a kid clothing campaign with the slogan . . . "Into Everything." with visual of kid and pots/pans.
» In reply to CharChronicles
@CharChronicles Good to meet you too. Really got me thinking. Still confusion between online communicators and businesses. Glad I met a pro.
» In reply to CharChronicles
RT @raspberrykids: Starting an online store is relatively easy. Growing, marketing & maintaining one is very difficult :-)
@shopodile Thanks!
» In reply to ShopOdile
Just set my vacation message for a trip that won't happen for another few weeks. Anxious much? LOL
@Ruth_A_Buzzi faved my tweet. I started a fan club in h.s. in '68. She invited me a few times to LI. Great to connect after so many yrs.
» In reply to Ruth_A_Buzzi -- Solvej Swings Make Swinging an All-Season Option
@Ruth_A_Buzzi I started your fan club at Notre Dame HS. You were nice to invite me to LI. '68. Now-3 adult kids, 33 yrs married. 0x0
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@sprogsca Yup, that's what I told the friend who asked.
» In reply to sprogsca
@kulaklips That's the story of most kids wear and accessory brand and store launches, which is fine if the owner is business minded
» In reply to kulaklips
@kulaklips nope
» In reply to kulaklips

