Summertime, and the Fashion is Easy

Koko-Nut Kids

Ask any kid what their favorite time of year is, and you will likely hear “summer!” Aside from the winter holidays, summer is the time of year when youngsters are the most carefree and happy. The weather is good, school is out, there are friends to see and family fun to enjoy. Summer’s dress code is mostly casual, but it doesn’t hurt to have some stylish additions for a kid’s warm weather wardrobe. After all, summer is a time for travel and adventure and for seeing loved ones who may live far away. We all want to look our picture-perfect best –– and have our children look their best –– while on vacation or at family reunions. Lucky for kids these days, looking good doesn’t mean being stuffy and uncomfortable; most children’s fashions are made with young people’s activity level in mind and offer easy fit, good looks and durable wear.

Get ready to take a tour of some of the brands making the coolest summer clothing and accessories for kids, including Flik Flops, Andy & Evan, BSkinz and Koko-Nut Kids. From flashy flip-flops and fashions for little gentlemen to fair trade Batik, the possibilities are as diverse and fun as the sights you’ll see on any summer road trip.

Flik Flops Light the Way

Flik Flops
Flik Flops are an innovative flip-flop design that helps make the most of summer nights. The sandals feature bright LED lights that flicker when the wearer takes a step. Not only are they fun to wear, they also help provide some added light for safety when walking on dark paths.

While sneakers with flashing lights have been popular for quite some time, a flip-flop version is a creative and functional alternative. The great thing about Flik Flops is that they were developed in part by kids. The Harju family (including 3 kids under 10) worked together to create the concept, name and design. Flik Flops is a brand new company with a limited (for now) collection, but as their business expands, we can hope that we’ll see more added to their product line.

Flip over to

Andy & Evan Expands Fashion Choices for Boys

Andy & Evan - Hang Ten Collection
Moms can find girls’ fashions in just about every style, whereas mothers of sons may have a more difficult time finding dapper duds for their little guys. Andy & Evan, a clothing company based in the Big Apple, is helping to change all that by creating a unique, fashionable line of better clothing for young boys.

Owners Evan Hakalir and Andy Perl launched a dress shirt business in 2009, at the height of the recession. Despite the tough financial times, the partners’ innovative marketing plan and top-notch customer service proved to be successful, garnering praise from the likes of Regis Philbin and other high-profile clients. In 2011, the two decided to branch out into children’s wear and launched Andy & Evan for Little Gentlemen.

The look is classic, collegiate, preppy and clean — think yacht club meets nursery school. Parents who want their boys to be the sharpest-dressed at a family wedding or other memorable event will love what Andy & Evan has to offer.

See what’s in store at

Three Cheers for BSkinz

When Spandex hit the scene in the 1960s, it made clothing, particularly ladies undergarments, more breathable and comfortable to wear. Although the ‘80s may have given us a brief case of Spandex overload, the fabric is best when put to limited and judicious use in intimate apparel, sportswear and dancewear. Spandex fashion faux pas do occur from time to time, which is why it’s a good idea to choose your stretchy pants, tops and shorts wisely. BSkinz is a company that makes refreshingly cute, stylish and functional Spandex sportswear for women and girls.

The variety of shorts, tanks, skorts, and more available through BSkinz is impressive. Whether a customer is shopping for items for a young girl or an older teen, or whether the style is conservative or edgy, BSkinz likely has something that will fit the bill. That’s because the company was inspired by a need for more variety in sportswear.

Stacy Sorrentino and Carolyn Sammarro are a pair of friends from New Jersey who were running a small spirit wear business and were having a hard time supplying specific colors and cuts to clients. It was just more difficult to find sources for some varieties, so in 2007 the ladies decided to take matters into their own hands and started designing their own line.

See it for yourself at

Coconut Creations Offers Balinese Designs

Koko-Nut Kids
Bali, Indonesia is a beautiful tropical location that looks like the perfect vacation spot, but there’s another side to this paradise. Poverty is a major problem in Bali, with many of its native inhabitants living without the basic daily comforts. Some of these locals are talented craftspeople who specialize in weaving, beading, or Bali’s homegrown art of Batik printing, yet are unable to earn a fair wage for their creative work. Slowly that can change, as companies like Coconut Creations reach out to make a difference.

Coconut Creations is the maker of Koko-Nut Kids, a line of handmade clothing for children. The Texas-based company has been working with a group of Balinese artisans to create garments that incorporate traditional Balinese designs. In return, the artisans are paid fair wages and given the opportunity to work in a safe and rewarding environment. This kind of cooperation and mutual respect is what drives the company and makes their products special.

The line is light, airy, and colorful, made of natural materials and extremely comfy for little ones to wear, but the Batik prints are what really stand out. Batik isn’t just a print like paisley or polka dot; it’s an art form that is authentic only when done in its original way, using colored waxes and block presses.

Koko-Nut Kids offers the real deal, straight from the source. Check out the difference at

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