Walking the Walk with Barefoot Books

Secret Seahorse - Barefoot Books

When enterprising mothers have a meeting of the minds, their creative ideas can become a reality. Barefoot Books is an outstanding example of this. Barefoot Books makes it a priority to provide media for children that instills a love for the earth, teaches deep respect for diversity, and feeds thriving imaginations. By embracing writers, artists, story weavers, and musicians who create fun-filled, global journeys for children, this independent book company offers families many sensational opportunities to explore the world through rich colors, charming illustrations, and original story lines.

A look inside Secret Seahorse
Barefoot Books partners with publishers, book stores and local communities to promote global understanding and offer empowerment to children through the path of art and story. Their outstanding “Books for Africa” program gives needy African children access to books through schools and libraries. The outreach program intends to end the book famine across the African continent. Since 1988, this company’s effort has provided more than 20 million books to 42 African countries, putting the wonder of books into the hands of the children that need them the most.

Barefoot Books understands that children all over the world are hungry for the knowledge that books can provide. This outstanding effort to increase literacy and provide substance that stands the test of time positively ensures that their mantra to give children the desire to make a difference is more than just a fairytale.

For more information about the Barefoot Books collection of products, or to become a distributor, visit www.barefoot-books.com.

