Wee Gallery Has Great Art for a Great Start
Most parents have big dreams and hopes for their children. Sometimes, these dreams include achievements as lofty as being President of The United States, while others are a little more down-to-earth. In any case, moms and dads want their kids to be the best they can be, and are always looking for ways to give them the best start possible. There’s a huge industry geared toward parents who want to start teaching their children reading and math skills even before they can walk, and many of these products and programs really do yield results, helping kids go into preschool well ahead of their peers. Art is often part of these learning programs. One of the interesting facts the educational community has long known is that exposing a child to art helps them be more successful not only in creative endeavors, but in all aspects of learning. Art is also just plain fun. The virtually endless combination of shapes and colors are entertaining for little ones, and it can inspire kids to create art of their own.
Wee Gallery offers a wide selection of toys, mobiles, wall graphics, books and more, all featuring artwork designed to stimulate and enhance the minds of babies and young children. The bold black-on-white (with splashes of primary) prints are eye-catching even for young babies, and the animal characters are endearing enough to be a kid’s favorite friends throughout the toddler and preschool years.
Wee Gallery was created by David and Surya Pinto. When their son Siddu was born, Surya began reading every child development book she could get her hands on; she wanted to ensure that her little boy grew up healthy happy and intelligent. Along the way, she learned about how babies respond to certain colors and patterns, namely black and white geometric figures. As a graphic designer, she decided to make Siddu some prints based on these concepts. At first she drew simple lines, but as time went on, she began to create the animal characters that Siddu would come to love, and that would eventually become Wee Gallery’s signature designs.
With the help of David, a teacher, Wee Gallery’s line of products grew to include more and more whimsical offerings, and soon the products were being sold at the gift shop of the world famous Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). The Pinto family – which now includes daughter Anya – hopes that Wee Gallery brings as much learning and fun to other children as it has to their own.
For more information, visit www.weegallery.com