Hot Guy - Hot Bag!! Bradley Cooper and the BeALL by JU-JU-BE

If you want to drool, it’s a good thing you’ve got a bag with TEFLON and an antimicrobial treatment! Bradley Cooper sports a Fuchsia Blossoms BeAll in Hangover 2 as he leaves the “bachelor party” breakfast at IHOP.


If you haven’t already, please click on the image below and ‘Like’ us. We are going to start asking some very pointed and important (at least to us) questions, and we’d love to hear your answers.

OMGSH, it’s practically summer! With summer comes sun, fun, picnics and vacation..A Pink Hurricane

Our Favorite ‘Pink’ drink recipe for the Summer
- A Pink Hurricane

If you don’t have frozen yogurt on hand for this recipe, substitute regular yogurt and ice cubes.

- 2 cups seedless watermelon chunks
- 4 scoops vanilla frozen yogurt

1. Combine the watermelon chunks and frozen yogurt in a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. Serves 1.

Contact: Joe Croft / (877) 258-5823
3501 Tres Rios
San Clemente, CA 92673
United States

