When It Comes to “Going Green,” How Far Do Moms Really Go?
The Question:
Christine from South Orange, NJ - Age 30 / Girl - 13 months
“A little. I use cloth diapers with my daughter, don’t give her bottles/cups with BPA, and feed her organic food as much as possible. I like organic clothes, but they’re quite expensive.
Erica from Philadelphia, PA - Age 30 / Girl - 2 years / Boy - 9 months
“Yes, I try to buy “green” versions of disposable diapers as much as I can afford them. Also, I think it is very important to use green cleaning products.
Chris from Brooklyn, NY - Age 49 / Girls - 3 years & 1.5 years
“Not in the least. It is nice to say the product is eco-friendly, but it plays absolutely no role in our decision to purchase.
Shauna from Churchbridge, Saskatchewan - Age 29 / Girl - 17 months
“Yes, for some things. When she was a small baby and putting most toys in her mouth, we tried to purchase toys that were non-toxic.
Denise from Pleasanton, CA - Age 32 / Boys - 8 years, 6 years & 1 year
“Yes! I am concerned about the chemicals which my children encounter in everyday life. I also want to make sure that I am teaching them to respect the planet.
Jovie from Lancaster, CA - Age 33 / Girl - 15 months
“If there are choices, I would choose the more green or eco-friendly options over non-green options.
Lucy from Brooklyn, NY - Age 38 / Boy - 10 months
“No. Green or eco-friendly products mean nothing to me. I pay no attention to that.
Natasha from Breckenridge, CO - Age 34 / Boy - 6 years / Girl - 2 years
“Yes, I buy more green or eco-friendly products. I would love to see more green products for kids and adults too.
Heidi from Vallejo, CA - Age 37 / Girls - 3.5 years & 1 year
“Yes, but not always. I tend to purchase more green products when the price is reasonable.
Heather from Farmington, CT - Age 36 / Boy - 2.5 years / Girl - 8 months
“Green or eco-friendly does not usually impact my decision; however, once I saw Pedoodles, I liked the idea of them being eco-friendly. It is an added bonus, though not a sole reason for me to buy something.
Brandi from Colorado Springs, CO - Age 36 / Boy - 6 years / Girl - 3 years
“Green or eco-friendly has some impact on my decisions. Children are our future. I want the earth to be as friendly to them as possible.
Sherrie from Truro, Nova Scotia - Age 35 / Boys - 12 years, 10 years & 10 months
“All people should be concerned with this whether they have kids or not. It’s nice to know that products are produced in a manor that is safe for all, including the environment.
Patricia from Monroe, LA - Age 45 / Boys - 6 years & 4 years / Girl - 19 months
“Not a lot in the past. But we’re definitely paying more attention to eco-friendly in all our purchases now that we have children.
Karen from Angleton, TX - Age 47 / Girls - 11 years & 9 years / Boy - 7 years
“Only on electronics do I pay attention to that.
Margaret from Great Falls, MT - Age 46 / Boy - 6 years / Girl - 4 years
“Zero. But I may not be typical in this regard. However, if manufacturers would cut down on packaging I may be interested!
Angela from McLean, VA - Age 43 / Girl - 6 years
“In other words, do I feel the need to conform with some morally preening, do-gooder’s, pantheistic beliefs — who is simultaneously condescending to me while trying to take my money — in an effort to form my child’s world view? No. Not at all.
Patty from Nashua, NH - Age 42 / Girl - 2 years / Boys - newborn twins
“No, I could care less if they are eco-friendly or green. I am not sure I believe the claims anyway.
Maureen from Dublin, OH - Age 43 / Girl - 2 years
“I can honestly say, no.
Danielle from Lowell, MA - Age 39 / Girl - 18 months
Michelle from Fargo, ND - Age 38 / Girl - 18 months
“I don’t go looking for this but if I see similar items I would purchase the green/eco-friendly product first.
Stephanie from Culpeper, VA - Age 37 / Boy - 6 years / Girl - 2 years
“Yes, I will always go the “green” route if it’s an option. I will buy wood toys over plastic any day because of their biodegradable nature.
Ande from Dallas, TX - Age 26 / Girl - 4 year / Boy - 6 month
“I am not terribly selective about using products that are “green.” I think it is a wonderful positive if it is eco-friendly, but won’t reject a product just because it isn’t “green.”
Emily from Surrey, British Columbia - Age 29 / Girl - 2 years
“I try to buy “green” when possible, but there aren’t many products available that are green, inexpensive, and easy to find.
Joanna from Boston, MA - Age 40 / Girl - 2 years
“Yes, yes, yes. I try to avoid using too much plastic, chemicals ( hygiene products), cleaning supplies or I try to choose the “green” version.
Heather from Sacramento, CA - Age 35 / Boys - 6 years & 18 months
“YES! Eco-friendly products make me feel better about my purchase. I am moving all purchases that way
Katie from Big Pine, CA - Age 29 / Boys - 3 years & 8 months
“No, I am not too informed on this topic yet and feel it is too new to be that excited over it yet. Would love to find out more though..
The Wrap Up
Well that’s quite a varied group of responses! Some moms claim to go all the way for eco-friendly/green products, while others are more interested in “saving some green” right now. Several moms profess they are not influenced at all, and at least one seems to see RED just by us asking about green! Editor’s note: Do not ask the moms any political questions
Here’s a summary of our informal survey regarding eco-friendly buying habits:
- Yes, eco-friendly/green products always win out. - 9 moms (35%)
- Some influence, but it’s just part of the equation. - 8 moms (30%)
- Nope, next question. - 9 moms (35%)
Join us next month for our 3rd “Ask the Moms” feature, where we ask,
What are the key features you look for when purchasing children’s clothing?