Beanie Designs

Handmade Children Hats & Head Pieces

Main Profile

Beanie Designs

Beanie Designs carries a wide selection of adorable baby hats, all handmade with care. Beanie Designs has assembled a team of talented artists both here in the U.S. and also in China to keep up with demand for our sweet baby hat designs.

The artists who contribute all share my vision: to create the most beautiful baby hats around, each handmade with love and an eye towards quality and perfection.

From the dreaming stage of design to the hands-on process of creating the beautiful beanies, every baby hat we offermeets our uncompromising standards for quality of material, aesthetics and comfort in the design, and superior construction.

P.O Box 1079 • Conyers, Georgia 30012
Phone: (800) 901-7218

