Green Hill Productions

Life, love, music

Main Profile

Green Hill Productions

Why Music?

• Appealing to the senses creates a total shopping experience for your customers. We know you spend time making your store look inviting and smell wonderful with attractive merchandising displays, scented candles and more. The third part of this very important equation is quality music that soothes the soul. Why not turn that air space into retail space?

• Good music makes you and your customers feel good. Why is that important? Because playing the right music creates the perfect shopping atmosphere. Music causes customers to slow down and take their time to shop the wide variety of merchandise you have to offer. Traditional retail philosophy states, ” the longer customers spend time in your store, the more likely they will make a purchase of some kind.”

111 Westwood Place • Suite 420 • Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
Contact: Rusty Boatright
Phone: (800) 200-4656
Fax: (615) 292-7395

