Smart/Tangoes USA

Main Profile

Smart/Tangoes USA

Created in Belgium, SmartGames are an amazing international success story, becoming award-winning best-sellers in over 80 countries in just five years. Their brilliantly innovative game mechanics appeal to boys, girls, men, and women from ages three to one hundred three! Systematic insistence on quality is inherent in every phase of product development, resulting in aesthetically pleasing games that can be learned in a flash, but which provide enormous value with hours and hours of increasingly difficult cognitive challenges to stretch anyone’s powers of logical reasoning, spatial perception, strategic planning, and mental agility. But the most important ingredient of every SmartGame is just plain FUN! That’s the reason we love designing games, and why you’ll love playing them!

2822 Van Ness Avenue • San Francisco, California 94109
Phone: (800) 542-6375
Local: (415) 931-5250


