sonny & reed

Main Profile

sonny & reed

Sonny was born in 2005. As he began teething, his mother noticed him constantly pulling on her necklaces and putting them in his mouth. She mentioned to several of her friends that she wished she had an attractive necklace that was safe for Sonny to teethe on. Reed was born in 2006. His mother soon began to observe the same pulling and teething on her necklaces. She was as concerned over the safety of it. Reed’s mother remembered hearing Sonny’s mother mention her desire for a safe teething necklace that complemented her style from day to night. Together Sonny & Reed’s moms decided to make such a necklace to suit their sense style and be safe for their children to teeth on. It took some time to design and find the right place in the USA to make Sonny & Reed necklaces. Sonny and Reed necklaces are made from FDA approved material. The necklaces conform to Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 16 CFR 1500. Most importantly, Sonny & Reed’s necklaces are safe for Sonny & Reed’s precious little brothers: Asher & Parker.

PO Box 1504 • Newnan, Georgia 30264
Contact: Ashley Roberts
Phone: (404) 934-0098


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