Super Undies
Main Profile
Super Undies was concieved and designed by Laura, owner and designer of Starbunz Diapers. These training pants started as the Starbunz Learners, then grew into Super Undies. They have been in the market place since mid 2007, and feedback from our users has helped to evolve these training pants into the fine well thought-out product we sell today. As the training pants became more popular, Laura split Starbunz in two, letting Super Undies stand alone. She enlisted the help of her brother, Jesse to breath wisdom and experience into the company, and together they reworked everything, starting from scratch. In addition to the popular Daytime Training Pants, Super Undies now offers a Pull-On Underwear that will fit older children and children with special needs.
The latest release, Nighttime Underwear, has been a huge success in filling the need for a waterproof, highly absorbent pant for bed wetters. Moms and children alike are agreeing to re-order more, as these water-proof underwear offer something for both.
87 Nottingham Rd • Westlake Village, California 91361