The Latest Trade Tweets

Maybe Zappos' would be Easy. Fast. Service-Oriented. #kidsbiz
Ok, so what are the three words that describe your company/product best? #kidsbiz
@monkeytoesshoes On the right day, I'd make that trade! #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
so time, service, etc is the brand. not bells and whistles. plus (too much) product @aftaschool #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
In the article, I menioned Ben & Jerry. The quirkiness of the co carries through everything & it feels mom & pop & 'different' #kidsbiz
Interesting. That's another store that sells stuff people don't need! It must be the branding. @iglooisland #kidsbiz
» In reply to iglooisland
@monkeytoesshoes Nope just one! #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
To me, @Zappos is definitely about instant gratification. The founder talks about the co. in terms of service. Like @Nordstrom does #kidsbiz
i always say I love @Bergdorfs. No one needs anything in that store. It's about escape & somehow that carries thru the whole vibe #kidsbiz
Zappos? We know it's an etailer. But what does it stand for to you, @monkeytoesshoes? #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
beyond the kids biz, which companies do a good job of delivering on the unspoken needs? #kidsbiz
if they're new parents, it comes from reassuring them and boosting their confidence in their own abilities, etc #kidsbiz
if the customer is time-strapped, you making the purchase eaiser will give you an edge over cuter product for instance #kidsbiz
@aftaschool yep ;) #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
To engage, you have to figure out what your customers want and value--in a product but also in general--then deliver #kidsbiz
so your emotional connections comes through authenticity, @monkeytoesshoes? how do you convey that from a shoe box? #kidsbiz
Ha, ha. Of course you do! ---> @monkeytoesshoes "I attribute it to a pie" #kidsbiz
So how do you engage your customers??? @monkeytoesshoes #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
RT @iglooisland: I agree about value of branding. 1/2 of Apple's net worth is their cash, patents etc Rest is brand #kidsbiz
it's brand and product and quality and value and connections and timing and... LOL @aftaschool #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool

