The Latest Trade Tweets

It's not about spending a lot of $ on a site or logo, it's the thought & intention behind it. Then the execution next @aftaschool #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
lots of people who approach me to consult have a gimick or one twist on what's out there, which is great but it stops there. #kidsbiz
Garanimals is an interesting example, @iglooisland. is that about the branding or gimick that was actually helpful? #kidsbiz
» In reply to iglooisland
that goes to your point, @monkeytoesshoes, about values. you have to have them before you can project them #kidsbiz
branding comes first. I mentioned in the article that @nestedbean started with "who are we" "who are our customers" etc. #kidsbiz
With sites, the problem is the company hasn't done the thinking and brand development before the build #kidsbiz
Your site is definitely a start. It's the only place the consumer will see the brand/product the way you intended @monkeytoesshoes #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
You didn't want to buy from it bc the site annoyed you from a technical standpoint or emotional, @aftaschool? #kidsbiz
No powerful brands in the kids space? Why do you buy the products for your kids that you do? #kidsbiz
Let's talk about One Prick, @monkeytoesshoes. It was clever and catchy but did it fit the 'brand' of this midwest org??? #kidsbiz
In my GG article, I talk about how the client has to know what their biz is about and articulate it if the campaign has a chance #kidsbiz
It's definitely slow (self important) but I say the most important part is the initial meeting with the client #kidsbiz
This week's episode was for diabetes awareness and treatment--pro bono--so it was a bit different #ThePitch #kidsbiz
@monkeytoesshoes Um, ok. Maybe you can keep the kids ;) #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
@monkeytoesshoes @caletha_style Yummy...I just realized I haven't eaten dinner yet! LOL #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
@aftaschool don't watch any Housewive anymore. Went cold turkey! #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
So, who watches #ThePitch? What are your thoughts? #kidsbiz
So everyone knows the deal: remember to use the hashtag with each tweet ----> #kidsbiz
@monkeytoesshoes Or hardly working. :) #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
@monkeytoesshoes Seriously, you're living my life (the one I wish I had). Sounds delish #kidsbiz
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes

