The Latest Trade Tweets

@TheMayIssue @noheezie @JulepMaven I LOVE Julep's cuticle oil. I put it on at night before I drift off to dreamland. :) #PrettyNails
» In reply to TheMayIssue
So I am a newbie contact wearer...will it always feel like I have crud in my eyes???
@ApoloOhno Are you in Seattle for the big snow? Doncha kinda wish the streets would just freeze over and we could skate everywhere?
» In reply to ApoloOhno
I just joined LinkedIn and created my professional profile. Join my network. #in
resist the urge to self diagnose. you're probably fine.
Watching last night's #GossipGirl and guessed immediately (without knowing the epi title) that it's based on Graham Green's book
@Bergdorfs Good for her. Dinner at the table with conversation is important. Good to keep communication open as they grow. :)
» In reply to Bergdorfs
@rachelholm @danholm Sweetness! Congratulations! :)
» In reply to rachelholm
@NAMIMass We also recommend a natural position for swaddling with hands up by face as first choice, for baby cues and self soothing #mhsm
» In reply to NAMIMass
@NAMIMass Gently Swaddled Babies Sleep Better - Fewer awakenings r/t startle reflex. When baby sleeps better, every1 gets more sleep. #mhsm
» In reply to NAMIMass
A2 Tom Ford? Gucci Tom Ford would be very bordello but these days more sensual than sexy. And you know he lives well! #Intdesignerchat
Smaller servings of the entree, more fruits and veggies --> better balanced meals for kids: study via @reuters
Following #IntDesignerChat with @PRProfessor
Alcohol Risk to Fetus Is Highest at End of 1st Trimester via @MyHealth_MHND
HEALTHBEAT: Babies don't just listen, they try lip-reading while turning babble into words
Conundrum: I have too many windows/applications open so my computer is slow. I don't want to restart because of said apps/windows
#atlgift mud pie really has a cute line. This is perfect for a day at the cape
finally getting around to my dreaded task and of course my printer is out of ink. sigh.
#atlgift camp grandma now offers slippers to go w bags & hats
RT @gary_wassner: Manufacturing in the NY region grew in Jan @ the fastest speed n 9 months, reflecting improving orders, sales & employment

