The Latest Trade Tweets

Our Market ePreview is a great way to get a head start for Market! There is something for everyone, from...
@magnoliapr I'll see you there. Plan to pop by on Sunday
» In reply to magnoliapr
@magnoliapr I will not be at Jan. ENK. I will be at KidShow. Hope to be at March ENK. And ABC Spring Conference in April., CA Gift this wk.
» In reply to magnoliapr
#atlgift for the tractor loving people everywhere. Hooded John Deere towels
Gotta get the last frame for the artwork I bought for my office. Have had the others framed for week. Gotta get this stuff on the walls!
#atlgift meri meri can make the party w their awesome theme sets
RT @magnoliapr: Heading to NYC this weekend for ENK Children's Club Show! Swing by Finn + Emma at booth #1452 and A.BIRD at booth. LOVE 'EM! enjoyed a more than 60% traffic increase in 2011 over previous. Keep g'in for news and views and tips about kid biz.
Joyful Noise Soundtack on Spotify. Not interested in seeing film, but the music really is joyful, rousing and full of praise.
What did you and your kids get to do during winter break? Board games, snow fights, dressing up the family dog?
@TheGiggleGuy Yum. Enjoy
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@caletha_style My son and faux DIL are supplying desert. We gave 'em a mini pie maker for xmas. So, chocolate pie something?
» In reply to caletha_style
Put another candle on my b-day cake. What b-day cake? No b-day cake!
@TheGiggleGuy Happy Birthday! I hope there'll be cake!
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
Happy B-day to me. Ditto. Happy B-day dear me. Ditto. And mannnny more! Makin' a tweetwish.
What do TheGiggleGuy, Betty White, M.Ali, Jim Carrey have in common? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us! Jan. 17 -- Hope Jeans Designs Next Best Thangs
#atlgift king-max products has wonderful room decor. W bright colors & all the animal favs
#atlgift burton & burton has plush themed sets. They make good displays
#atlgift apple park new critters to go along w second book bunny's garden

