The Latest Trade Tweets -- QuickSmart Puts Traveling Convenience into Gear
Had to share this!
@SmokinHotPR I LOVED our conversation, thank you SO much! Emailing you now!
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@cooklocal Snowing in Laurelhurst!
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@jackiemicucci Blame the internet. And by internet, I mean Al Gore, natch
» In reply to jackiemicucci
Working on updating my spring syllabus. Classes start next week
@jackiemicucci They claim they're paying them but either way writers lose. BTW, I can only imaging the new editing workload. Oy
» In reply to jackiemicucci
Everyone's a writer... Last day for 50% off Sale items!
I love when I'm working and everyone else is off. Seriously. It means I can get a lot done without lots of interruptions
Still got a chance to win a Free Magnolia Deluxe Greenbuds Mattress! Head on over to to enter @
"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling...
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. ~ Marcel Proust
@SheBreathes Congrats!
» In reply to SheBreathes
I posted 13 photos on Facebook in the album ""
The latest @TinyGingerNYC newsletter features Easter frocks, stripes galore and accessories, accessories, accessories
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
Missed the #GoldenGlobes but I did get a chance to design a few things for the next collection!
@jackiemicucci he's crazy gorge in a tux
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@jackiemicucci no love for Firth?
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