The Latest Trade Tweets

#kidsbiz. Thank you Caletha for brinding us together to share ideas again. Speaking tour? Price urself as a valued brand!
You have to get your retailers/consumers 2 buy into the lifestyle. All (most?) consumers r aspirational. Tap into it & that's value #kidsbiz
Always a fun topic. Bottom line, u can charge more if you establish a brand that means something. But u can't take advantage of it #kidsbiz
Wr discussed brands in class next week. What it means to be a brand and articulating that message in product and markeing, etc #kidsbiz
So many brands and commodities both are doing well on Zulilly though. But is it like playing craps? #kidsbiz
Ok. We're probably veering off topic. And we're out of time! I'm happy to keep chatting for a bit tho #kidsbiz
RE the 'deal' sites. People, you can only a make a t-shirt so cheap! There is a bottom and unfortunately a lot of vendors are there #kidsbiz
. @rebeccakw Yeah, I've head the evidence against the Groupon model. Kinda sounds like welfare, no? #kidsbiz
Personally, I perfer value over price but that's a characteristic of a 30-something shopper so I guess that's me! #kidsbiz
. @tykethreads the cost of goods has been devalued for so long in the US, it's hard for other messages to come across #kidsbiz
. @rebeccakw Great article on the deal sites today in the WSJ (or NYTimes???) Not such a deal sometimes #kidsbiz
. @tykethreads for some. Made in Ameirca or close to home is value for eco ($) reasons or eco(nomical) reasons #kidsbiz
. @rebeccakw meaning peeps buy lots instead of a few quality pieces? That's very American. Not as true elsewhere—hello fast fashion #kidsbiz
event the rich are demanding value. Value over price, I say. If I can keep it or it REALLY works, I don't mind buying it #kidsbiz
. @tykethreads good point. How far do consumers follow that line of logic? carbon footprint vs organic goods? Good Q #kidsbiz
Wondering when (if) margins will return to normal. Everyone is making less for more effor these days. Started in 08 #kidsbiz
RT @TeresKids: once I saw two racks of fuchsia blouses on sale a & thought No one's buying that! TOO MANY READ THE TREND STATS? #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz RT @caletha_style: . @ torlykid I love a sale! but f there's a ton of it left, I wonder why no one else wanted it! More PERCEPTION
RT @caletha_style: . @ torlykid I love a sale! but if there's a ton of it left, I wonder why no one else wanted it! PERCEPTION #kidsbiz
Given that, I think the kids' biz has an advantage. 1st, it's need based. 2nd, it's cute. & often, it's a gift. All speaks to value #kidsbiz

