The Latest Trade Tweets

So what does that mean for your biz? RT @torlykid end consumer is much more price sensitive now than 5 yrs ago. #kidsbiz
RT @gary_wassner great make and style retains value in any category, as long as it wears well. Vintage. #kidsbiz
RT @nestledbean do you factor future scale in current price? I would. What about you? #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz Buyers are aware of value. But they need to also educate floor sales on how to pitch the story to customer. Educate about quality.
Buyers understand this but there's only so much price sensitivity. You can be a bit high but not out of the range IMO #kidsbiz
Be sure to ask what the objection might be. Is it price? Keep a tally. Ask reps too. #kidsbiz
It's tough for new vendors to get the best pricing at the factories or suppliers. Can get better with scale #kidsbiz
Back to perception. Once you go lower, isn't it hard to go up in price? #kidsbiz
The problem is, if it takes too long for you to articulate the value message or adjust pricing, you leave the door open for others #kidsbiz
Maybe they liked your line but the only thing standing in the way was the cost. With lower pricing, they can get on board #kidsbiz
I think retailers and consumers will appreciate a price break #kidsbiz
RE adjusting prices. I've seen many brands bring prices down—The spin or reality is their sourcing improved & so did cost of goods #kidsbiz
Q3 What's the margin of error for price? Can you adjust it once at market? Have you? #kidsbiz
Occasion counts for a lot! U'll spend more for special @gary_wassner And you remember the gift and the occasion. You chose Chanel. #kidsbiz
That's why education and a narrative are important. You have to tell them why you are the best choice (regardless of price) #kidsbiz
Consumers have a finite amount of money to spend across the board. You have to think of a wide variety of items as competitors #kidsbiz
TeresKids @TeresKids is a good example of an interesting brand story. And one that differentiates it. #kidsbiz
Even if you're a store, @tereskids, and not wholesaling, you're competing with everyone else. your pricing can't be crazy! #kidsbiz
sometimes it comes down to education. people have ot understand the value of what you're offering #kidsbiz
For example, @TeresKids is a good example of storyteller in kids clothes for special needs and more. #kidbiz

