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@aftaschool LOL #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
As a manufacturer you want to control your image/brand as much as possible so it's consistent #kidsbiz
Manufacturers should supply photos if they want control over their image/brand @aftaschool #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
@aftaschool the only thing I hate is seeing something on the mannequin and not being able to find it in the racks! #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
Time's almost up! #kidsbiz
@aftaschool I feel ancient when I'm in TopShop & H&M LOL #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
which brings up another point RE helping product retail. Supply great wardrobed photos to stores for online and presales #kidsbiz
@aftaschool Displays are important. Some people shop the mannequins. A good wardrobed look book could help too #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
@tykethreads True was in Bergorfs recently and one sales guy was super nice and let me paw the $15,000 bag, another not so much #kidsbiz
» In reply to tykethreads
Your product has to work in all kinds of locations--sales help/ no help, cluttered/clean, big/small #kidsbiz
There are some stores that feel like museums where you'd never touch anything let alone buy and some that feel like Hoarders! #kidsbiz
@aftaschool #kidsbiz - Crew Cuts - J.Crew brand kids' store.
» In reply to aftaschool
Very limted. @WoollyBoo #kidsbiz
» In reply to WoollyBoo
Having deliveries that relate to each other help so that items don't become orphans on the sales floor #kidsbiz
It's interesting to see the reaction things get at a shower. Cause we see stuff all the time, it loses its effect on us @WoollyBoo #kidsbiz
» In reply to WoollyBoo
#kidsbiz - @WoollyBoo. Welcome. Nice to see you here.
@tykethreads Hi #kidsbiz
» In reply to tykethreads
@CuteBeltz - Coupon code. Yes! How was the ROI?
» In reply to CuteBeltz
As a manufacturer, you want things to sell and you want that reorder. How can you facilitate that? fixturing is one way... #kidsbiz
@tykethreads #kidsbiz. Welcome! Kids all tucked in?
» In reply to tykethreads

