The Latest Trade Tweets

#kidsbiz. Capes for kids. In my day they were very popular. We called them towels or pillow cases.
@CuteBeltz #kidsbiz. GREAT reps have to change the way they used to do business. . . as we all do!
» In reply to CuteBeltz
Q3.Well-planned focus groups can be very helpful. I also believe in previewing line to best reps prior to production. #kidsbiz
On the Street….Check Shirt Update, Milan
Q3. In my experience, well-planned focus groups can be very helpful. I also believe in previewing line to best reps prior to production.
#kidsbiz. Wanna see a rep really have something to complain about? Dump the complainers Or at least two positives for every every negative
any retailers who can chime in? any reps or manufacturers that do a good job of offering you sales support? #kidsbiz
#kidswwbiz Q2? Sorry, I think most brands provide service only up to delivery. No after-sale added value. Old-school ways must return.
I sometimes see packaging that is wildly inappropriate. The product will be damaged or torn, etc in no time on the sales floor #kidsbiz
How many of you wholesalers consider how your product will fit in/stand out in a real retail environment? #kidsbiz
that was the point i was making in the story—clearly some brands never shop the competition or pricture their products side by side #kidsbiz
I wonder how many brands really envision their product on display in a real world scenario @aftaschool #kidsbiz
OMG I'm always disappointed when reps don't know their stores! I know they can't be everywhere but SMH, @TheGiggleGuy #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
that's why the categories could be working for online retailers, @aftaschool #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz. I agree, mfgs. should visit retailers. And they should also insist that reps get on the road. And supply reports of findiings.
@aftaschool Common wisdom is that people shop online differently. Mainly hunting for something specific not browsing #kidsbiz
» In reply to aftaschool
Being able to offer sales support of some type is one reason why its important for u to be in the stores. U have to know what works #kidsbiz
How man of you (like @cutebeltz) have retailers inquiring about sales/mercahndising tactics? #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz @aftaschool - Welcome back.
What did you say?—> A1. I actually had a retailer ask me how to display & sales increased. #kidsbiz

