The Latest Trade Tweets

Q2 Retailers, how can manufacturers help their products sell? Thru Packaging? Providing sales training? With signage? #kidsbiz
@CuteBeltz. A! #kidsbiz. That's a good success story. Shows retailer wants mfg. and will listen to suggestions.
» In reply to CuteBeltz
@TheGiggleGuy @cmsmkidsfashion collections are imp but not all stores by that way & as it sells the line is broken up on the floor #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
RT @Cmsmkidsfashion: that's why I think merchandising within a collection is so important , give stores the know how to do it #kidsbiz
Hanger appeal is important! People won't buy anything that looks messy on the hanger. Something to keep in mind when designing #kidsbiz
I like being 'mystery shopper' no matter what type of store i'm in. I notice everything from service to merchandising #kidsbiz
You have to look at how products are shown most often—by collection, size, trend, etc. Then figure out how yours will stand up #kidsbiz
@CuteBeltz. A1. #kidsbiz. Great idea. More communication after the sale is missing in most cases.
» In reply to CuteBeltz
#kidsbiz A1. Many retailers buy collections , but then do not know what to do with them on the floor.
@Cmsmkidsfashion Different bodies is good but gotta keep in mind hanger appeal. Not every style has it #kidsbiz
» In reply to Cmsmkidsfashion
@TheGiggleGuy A1 I like how CrewCuts does it. Kinda like Anthropologie in that there are vignettes. Forces you to discover #kidsbiz
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
#kidbiz A1 Last time shopped to scope out clothing - was amazed at clutter and mix 'n' match.
First thing to note is the retailer is not necessarily going to show your product they way you'd like #kidsbiz
#kidsbiz A1. Not a retailer, but as PR /marketing I shopped last for gifts. Noticed how stores could add gifts if they used space better.
Q1 When was the last time you shopped with an eye to improving your collection? & what did you learn? #kidsbiz
A1? My version of retail hunting was at KY ABC this week.
#bidsbiz Here I is.
#kidbiz . Ready to chat. sans KY bourbon.
Spooky Fun With the Dinosaur Train *Giveaway* by @rockinmama

