The Latest Trade Tweets

@MommasGoneCity Breathe...deep breath...let him call....hope all is okay. :)
» In reply to MommasGoneCity
@MommasGoneCity Some techy person at the Apple store might be able to retrieve it all. Give them a call.
» In reply to MommasGoneCity
TheStar Zekas: the upside of vintage: via @AddThis
That's a wrap! #FashionCampusNYC
Social media and the influence of the internet on our lives has been most influential. It's how I think about the line. #FashionCampusNYC
Be yourself to standout as a designer. You is what makes your line/company unique #FashionCampusNYC
Disadvantages for US designers: no production here except artisanal & US designers' presence is must leas than Euros #FashionCampusNYC
@derekLamNYC said writers should never ask designers who is a style icon? #FashionCampusNYC
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Q&A time at #FashionCampusNYC with @DerekLamNYC
I look for curiosity in new hires. #FashionCampusNYC
if you're following these tweets right now, they're all @dereklamnyc's #FashionCampusNYC quotes.
I'll do anything. I'll pick up the garbage, clean the sink. You have to be willing & ready to respond to what's happening #FashionCampusNYC
@urbababy Thanks! You are too!
» In reply to urbababy
I love knowing what's going on beyond design--new hires, budgets, etc. I love figuring out the solutions. It's satisfying #FashionCampusNYC
Hold your baby to your heart's desire. Cherish these sweet moments. Cuddle, kiss, talk, hug, sing, touch, caress.
I'm intrigued by what's new & how ppl are living their lives. How can we do this so it speaks to our moment?@dereklamnyc #FashionCampusNYC
If you haven't already, tell your friends to "like" NSHC on Facebook! Word of MOM is amazing! Thank you fans!
@PLAYTHISWAY Take a nap now. They may be running late anyway. You'll feel better, friends will understand ur a busy mom!
» In reply to PLAYTHISWAY
@urbababy Happy to help! Hat attached to swim suit sounds like a great idea! Have a fun summer!
» In reply to urbababy
Starting my biz I was surprised by how much I like the business side--it's the benchmark of success of what I've created #FashionCampusNYC

