The Latest Trade Tweets

#FashionCampusNYC classes are in session!
Opportunities are there if you're willing to be mobile. #FashionCampusNYC
Planners have made the allocation process much more sophisticated #FashionCampusNYC
Buying is about money so there's a move in the ind to support planning analysts who tell buyers how much they can spend #fashioncampusnyc
#FashionCampusNYC An Identity for yourself is really imp. because you will move around. Always intro yourself with your first & last names
Zara changed the name of the game in this ind. Product dev and delivery went from a year to 10 days #FashionCampusNYC
It's the magic of merchandising. The days of top down design is over. End consumers dictate what you do. #FashionCampusNYC
A merchandiser has to be analytical and creative. You're dealing a lot with numbers--it's a biz. #FashionCampusNYC
Merchandising is the liaison btwn design, production, sales. It's putting the collection together #FashionCampusNYC
@KevRWright be sure to say hi when you get to #FashionCampusNYC
» In reply to KevRWright
Classes are starting! #fashioncampusnyc
Fashion Draft NYC takes #FashionCampusNYC to the next level with management-track interviews and a trip to NYC:
@SophieGiraffeUS Hope you find a preggie celeb who will help with @CtheMilChild!
» In reply to SophieGiraffeUS
@cupcakeMAG How's she doing? xoxo
» In reply to cupcakeMAG
@SophieGiraffeUS Sweet. We are sending blankets and goodies to @OperationShower. Supports military moms2B xoxo
» In reply to SophieGiraffeUS
@jamesbutchart @MichaelKuluva @qgirlspr EXCITING! I'll stay tuned! Maybe we'll pop some champagne! I'll be sharing good news soon too!
» In reply to jamesbutchart
@SophieGiraffeUS You are one lucky little Giraffe. :) xoxo
» In reply to SophieGiraffeUS
@jamesbutchart @MichaelKuluva @qgirlspr Do tell! What are you celebrating James?
» In reply to jamesbutchart
@FunQGames . I admired how you both work (and play) together. May your Fun Q increase soon.
» In reply to FunQGames
@FunQGames . Thank you. I enjoyed meeting you. I think we will have a "Befuzzled" weekend.
» In reply to FunQGames

